Mahjong 247 Summer

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Mahjong 247 Summer 7,2/10 5290 votes

Six unique themed mahjong layouts, a fun patriotic song, beautiful American Flag background, all make this 4th of July Mahjong the best around! 4th of July Mahjong Puzzles. No payouts will be awarded, there are no 'winnings', as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun. This is NOT a casino game.

Rated 3 out of 5 by mrm2006 from Great Game for Beginners.'nuf said. No, really, I have a bit to say.The game starts out with a cut scene of a bunch of people partying on a beach - oh joy. Why wasn't I invited? Anyway, two older men are off to the side and one says to the other how loud these young folks are and invites the other one to the other side of the island to take some pictures. I played the demo and there was never a picture taken, mention of pictures of a mini game of pictures being taken. Blooper?????The game play was .................... boring for someone who play mahjong on a fairly regular basis. And, I think it would be equally boring for anyone who just plays on an irregular basis because the game goes nowhere, has no 'umph' to it and nothing spectacular to keep a body interested, not even a decent challenge.I won the game each time I played. The board reshuffles itself when there are no more moves available, at no 'cost' or penalty to the player. There are bonuses you can match up such as a hurricane, bomb, hammer and some other silly thing. I call it silly because the game is impossible to lose. So, why do we need these bonuses that shuffle (hurricane) when the board reshuffles itself, 'get rid of those pesky tiles' (hammer) and 'destroys several tiles' (bomb - but it picks it's own tiles itself - a smart bomb? LOL). And, these bonuses weren't even explained until the beginning of the second level after I had already earned them. Hmmmmmm.So, every level you have the opportunity to earn these hammers, hurricanes, etc., etc. just by having to match up. I never used them and began to wonder if I don't use them, will they accrue or do I lose them at the end of each level. So, the last level I played (because I could take no more), I set off each and every one of those bonuses and, guess what? They don't accrue. So, I guess they are there for Arhm and giggles, as they say.There was a bonus level, I think, although it wasn't introduced as a bonus level. It wasn't introduced as anything at all. And, again, no pictures, just find the animals in certain positions in the background.So, yeah, 'nuf said. Great for beginners. And that's the ONLY reason for 3 stars because I was yawning through levels 3 on up. Including the supposed bonus level. Anyone other than a beginner, I recommend if you want some summer lovin', music, partying or swimming you find it elsewhere. Not even the tile are summer related. BIG SIGH.

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