Demis Roussos Discografia Completa Descargar

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Demis Roussos, nome artístico de Artemios Ventouris Roussos, (Alexandria, 15 de junho de 1946 - Atenas, 25 de janeiro de 2015) foi um cantor grego, nascido no Egipto. Artemios acabou sendo abreviado para Demis.
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Les dejo la discografia completa de don Jorge Cafrune,incluye un cassette grabado en casa de amigos,poco antes de morir,que iba a ser su proximo trabajo. LOS CANTORES DEL ALBA descargar discografia completa mega 1 link mediafire albums discos ineditos javier pantaleon solista tomas campos gilberto vaca hugo cabana flores horacio aguirre salta folklore folclore argentina blogger blogspot google albums discos ineditos canciones mantelito blanco puentecito de mi rio valses y serenatas 100 discos.


Filho de pais expatriados (George e Olga), tanto ele quanto os pais nasceram no Egito. Demis nasceu e foi criado em Alexandria. Três anos depois nasceu seu irmão Costandinos. O cantor foi fortemente influenciado pela música árabe. Aos dez anos de idade, fã do estilo jazz, aprendeu a tocar trombeta. Depois dos seus pais terem perdido tudo, após a Crise do Canal do Suez, a família voltou para a Grécia, quando Demis tinha quinze anos.
A partir de então, Demis participa em vários grupos musicais. O primeiro, com dezessete anos, The Idols, quando tinha de trabalhar para sustentar a sua família. Já nesse grupo Demis começa a destacar-se como cantor, a partir do momento em que é solicitado para substituir o vocalista que estava cansado, para cantar algumas músicas (o que começou com “The House of the Rising Sun” e “When a Man Loves a Woman”).
Com o compositor Lakis Vlavianos, Roussos deu início à banda We Five, já como vocalista principal. Mas só se torna mais conhecido a partir de 1968, com a banda de rock progressivo Aphrodite's Child, formada no Reino Unido, para a qual Demis se associa a outros dois músicos gregos, respectivamente Vangelis (ou Vangelis Papatanassiou) e Loukas Sideras, primeiramente como vocalista, depois também como guitarrista e baixista. Vangelis ficou como compositor principal e teclista, enquanto Loukas cuidava da bateria. No entanto, por falta de permissão para trabalhar em Inglaterra, o grupo mudou-se para Paris, então no auge da Revolução de Maio de 1968. O primeiro álbum foi Rain and Tears, que obteve um tremendo sucesso e vendeu um milhão de discos apenas em França, altura em que nasce a sua primeira filha, Emily. Nos três anos seguintes o desempenho do grupo foi excelente. Com uma voz ao estilo de ópera, Roussos e a banda passaram a ter sucesso a nível internacional, inclusive com Álbum 666 (The Apocalypse Of John,13/18) lançado em 1970. Logo após o lançamento dessa obra, mas insistentemente pontuada pelos médios franceses, o boicote dos cristãos da Europa aos seus shows, provoca série de cancelamento de agendas e faz com que o grupo acabe.
Com o final do Aphrodite's Child, Demis continuou a gravar com Vangelis, seu ex-colega de banda. Publicaram os álbus Sex Power (1970), Magic Together (1977). A obra de maior sucesso da dupla foi Race to the End, vocalmente adaptada da trilha sonora do filme Chariots of Fire. Roussos também participou como convidado da trilha sonora do filme O Caçador de Andróides (Blade Runner) (1982), filme cult considerado o melhor da década de 1980.
Carreira Solo.

Face ao seu sucesso como cantor, enquanto vocalista dos Aphrodite’s Child, a editora propôs-lhe gravar o seu primeiro compacto a solo, com a canção “We Shall Dance”. Logo a seguir gravou o álbum “On the Greek Side of My Mind”, o qual, juntamente com o mencionado compacto, estourou como os 5 discos mais vendidos em toda a Europa, inclusive a Escandinávia. Demis Roussos consagrou-se, então, como cantor em 1971. Pouco depois Roussos reencontrou-se com Lakis Vlavianos, ex-colega do We Five. Lakis então compôs e Roussos gravou várias canções que ocuparam o primeiro lugar nas tabelas de vendas de vários países, entre as quais, Forever And Ever, My Friend the Wind, Velvet Morning – também conhecida como Tric Tric Tric, entre outras.
Destacaram-se também, na década de 1970, os sucessos My Reason; Goodbye, My Love, Goodbye; Someday, Somewhere e Lovely Lady of Arcadia. Ganhou um disco de ouro com seu LP “Demis”, o qual foi seu único sucesso nos Estados Unidos. Por outro lado, o cantor fez muito sucesso na Europa e na América Latina.
Após o nascimento do filho, Cyril, em 1975, o cantor grego ficou os próximos oito anos fazendo tournés pelo mundo fora, juntamente com sua segunda esposa e o filho. No Brasil, conseguiu lotar o estádio Maracanã com capacidade para 150.000 pessoas, façanha apenas conseguida por Frank Sinatra. Foi citado no Livro de Recordes de Guinnes como personalidade de destaque do mundo do entretenimento musical das décadas de 70 e 80. Foi contemplado com mais de 100 discos de ouro, platina e diamante.
Em 1978, Demis decidiu retirar-se dos palcos temporariamente e mudou-se com a família para um lugar onde não era conhecido, a saber, a Praia de Malibu, no Estado da Califórnia (EUA). Emagreceu então 54 quilos e decidiu aproveitar a vida viajando pelo mundo. Depois de algum tempo, ainda no estilo de vida pacata, mudou-se dos EUA e, com seu filho Cyril, passou a alternar residência entre a Inglaterra e a Grécia.
Em 14 de junho de 1985 ocorreu um fato que Demis considerou como um separador de águas na sua vida: juntamente com sua terceira esposa, o avião da TWA no qual viajavam de Atenas a Roma foi sequestrado. O fato de ver a morte de perto levou o cantor a refletir sobre o valor da vida, decidindo reassumir sua carreira de cantor, com gravações e shows ao vivo, como forma de contribuir para um futuro melhor para a humanidade. Gravou então mais vinte canções, e compilou o álbum “The Story of Demis Roussos”.
Paralelamente, Roussos participa em eventos voltados para soluções de problemas humanos, como, por exemplo, o fórum pela paz e desarmamento (Kremlin, Moscou, em fevereiro de 1987) . Preocupado com problemas ambientais, participou também da Reunião de Cúpula da Terra, no Rio de Janeiro.
A partir de 2004, Demis Roussos viveu uma vida mais sossegada à beira mar em algum lugar da Grécia, gozando os louros de ser considerado um dos cantores mais talentosos do século XX.
Em 2005, após 25 anos, Demis Roussos retornou ao Brasil e fez três apresentações.
Seu último disco foi lançado em 2009.
Roussos faleceu no dia 25 de janeiro de 2015, após permanecer um longo período internado em um hospital de Atenas. A filha Emily (do primeiro casamento) anuncia que o pai morreu de um câncer fulminante no estômago. Texto: Wikipédia.

Descargar Discografias Completas Gratis

Fire And Ice (1971)
01. Fire And Ice (4:40)
02. She Came Up From The North (3:31)
03. Good Days Have Gone (3:49)
04. We Shall Dance (3:37)
05. I Know I'll Do It Again (2:51)
06. On The Greek Side Of My Mind (3:51)
07. End Of The Line (2:16)
08. My Blue Ship's A-Sailin' (3:52)
09. Mountains Beyond (4:20)
10. O My Friends You've Been Untrue To Me (4:51)
11. Lord Of The Flies (4:26)
12. Without You (1:58)
On The Greek Side Of My Mind (1971)
01. On The Greek Side Of My Mind (3:50)
02. She came up from the North (3:29)
03. Good days have Gone (3:45)
04. We shall Dance (3:32)
05. I know I'LL do it Again (2:50)
06. Fire and Ice (4:36)
07. No way Out (3:23)
08. End of the Line (2:12)
09. My blue Ship's A-Sailin (3:49)
10. Mountains Beyond (4:17)
11. O My Friends you've been untrue to Me (4:48)
12. Lord of the Flies (4:24)
13. Without You (1:59)
Forever And Ever (1973)
01. Forever And Ever (3:45)
02. My Friend The Wind (4:01)
03. My Reason (4:03)
04. Lay It Down (3:47)
05. Lovely Sunny Days (4:05)
06. Lost In A Dream (4:14)
07. Velvet Mornings (3:41)
08. Rebecca (3:30)
09. When I Am A Kid (3:20)
10. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (3:57)
My Only Fascination (1974)
01. My Only Fascination (3:43)
02. White Sails (2:47)
03. Marlene (3:04)
04. Say You Love Me (2:54)
05. Smile (3:19)
06. Someday Somewhere (3:07)
07. Lovely Lady Of Arcadia (3:25)
08. Shadows (3:42)
09. Reverie (3:44)
10. We Pretend (3:53)
11. Let It Be Me (Je T'Appartiens) (3:35)
Auf Wieder-Sehn (1974)
01. Manuela (3:50)
02. So Wie Bist Du (3:39)
03. Walzer Fur Zwei (3:21)
04. Ich Liebe Dich Noch Immer (3:54)
05. Velvet Mornings (3:41)
06. Addio (3:39)
07. Wind, Wind (3:28)
08. Mara (4:02)
09. Brauchst Du Einen Freund (3:15)
10. Schones Madchen Aus Arcadia (3:27)
11. Deine Liebe Wird Mir Fehlen (3:47)
12. Auf Wiedersehn (3:35)
Live At The Royal Albert Hall (1974)
01. Intro – I Want To Live (9:36)
02. Forever And Ever (3:55)
03. O My Friends You’ve Been Untrue To Me (7:25)
04. Let It Be Me (3:43)
05. My Friend The Wind (6:39)
06. Say You Love Me (4:13)
07. When I'am A Kid (2:59)
08. Velvet Mornings (3:59)
09. With You (3:22)
10. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (4:20)
11. Lovely Lady Of Arcadia (3:30)
12. Someday Somewhere (3:42)
13. My Only Fascination (3:06)
14. A Thousand Years Of Wondering (12:57)
15. Song Of Goodbyes (Sing An Ode To Love) (5:15)
Souvenirs (1975)
01. Sing An Ode To Love (4:12)
02. Midnight Is The Time I Need You (3:03)
03. I'll Be Your Friend (4:10)
04. Action Lady (3:01)
05. Winter Rains (3:42)
06. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:39)
07. Trying To Catch The Wind (3:18)
08. White Wings 'Asa Branca' (3:33)
09. Tell Me Now (2:26)
10. Names (4:21)
11. Perdoname (3:01)
Happy To Be... (1976)
01. This Time It Isn't Au-Revoir (3:22)
02. Mary Was An Only Child (3:46)
03. Fallin' (2:46)
04. So Dreamy (3:05)
05. Funny Man (4:12)
06. Can't Say How Much I Love You (2:33)
07. Happy To Be On An Island In The Sun (3:10)
08. Bahia Blue (2:35)
09. Before (2:54)
10. Far Away (2:47)
11. Lovely Love De Paris (3:10)
Kyrila: Insel Der Träume (1976)
01. Kyrila (3:42)
02. Wenn Die Freunde Gehen (3:40)
03. Trink Mit Mir Den Sommerwein (3:25)
04. Komm In Meine Arme (4:05)
05. Schade Marie (3:42)
06. Kehr Wieder Um (3:47)
07. Leierkasten Auf Dem Boulevard (3:03)
08. Trauriges Madchen (4:09)
09. Liebe Kennt Viele Namen (3:22)
10. Die Nachte Von Athen (3:46)
The Demis Roussos Magic (1977)
01. Because (4:24)
02. Time And Tide (3:55)
03. Maybe Forever (3:08)
04. My Face In The Rain (4:57)
05. I Dig You (4:20)
06. Margarita (5:14)
07. Let It Happen (4:07)
08. When Forever Is Gone (3:07)
09. Day-Ho (3:01)
10. Sister Emilyne (3:03)
11. Before The Storm (5:29)
Ainsi Soit-Il (1977)
01. Ainsi Soit-Il (3:48)
02. Tous Les Soleils De La Musique (3:23)
03. Les Nuits D'Emilyne (3:08)
04. Tes Yeux Me Disaient Adieu (3:11)
05. Un Coeur Qui Bat Pour Toi (2:51)
06. Sarah (3:41)
07. My Emotions (3:53)
08. Le Destin (3:05)
09. Et Je Fais Semblant (3:11)
10. Margarita (4:55)
11. Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour (4:21)
Demis Roussos (1978)
01. Feel Like I'll Never Feel This Way Again (3:33)
02. Loving Arms (2:49)
03. Life In The City (3:26)
04. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself (3:03)
05. I Just Live (4:29)
06. Hey Friend (3:11)
07. The Other Woman (3:09)
08. This Song (3:03)
09. That Once In A Lifetime (3:36)
10. L.O.V.E. Got A Hold Of Me (5:39)
Life & Love: His 20 Greatest Songs (Coletânea 1978)
01. Forever And Ever (3:39)
02. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:36)
03. My Only Fascination (3:46)
04. Let It Be Me (Je T'Appartiens) (3:34)
05. Happy To Be On An Island In The Sun (3:13)
06. My Reason (4:00)
07. With You (3:23)
08. Can't Say How Much I Love You (2:33)
09. Because (4:15)
10. When I'm A Kid (3:16)
11. When Forever Has Gone (3:05)
12. Lovely Lady Of Arcadia (3:25)
13. My Friend The Wind (3:54)
14. Tell Me Now (2:24)
15. Lovely Sunny Days (4:00)
16. Kyrilla (3:42)
17. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (3:57)
18. Good Days Have Gone (3:02)
19. I'll Be Your Friend (4:03)
20. Sing An Ode To Love (4:09)
Universum (1979)
01. Romantica (4:33)
02. C'Est Peut-Etre Une Fable (4:05)
03. J'Attends La Nuit 'Until The Night' (3:47)
04. Loin Des Yeux Loin Du Coeur (3:05)
05. Il Faut Qu'Il Revienne (4:00)
06. Tu N'As Pas Le Droit (4:00)
07. Chantez Enfants Du Monde (5:12)
08. Maria (4:54)
09. Les Enfants De L'Amour 'Wild River' (5:03)
10. Si J'Etais Magicien (3:47)
11. New Horizon (2:38)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Romantica (En Allemand) (4:24)
13. Ein Kleines Mädchen Für Die Großen (Una Favola Per Grandi) (3:58)
14. Maria (En Allemand) (4:12)
15. Die Flügel Deiner Liebe (Loin Des Yeux Loin Du Coeur) (2:45)
16. Auf Uns Wartet Eine Welt (Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour) (4:16)
17. Kinder Der Ganzen Erde (Chantez Enfants Du Monde) (5:05)
18. Strom Des Lebens (Wild, Wild River) (4:50)
Man Of The World (1980)
01. Man Of The World / Shlacham Dance (4:26)
02. Lost In Love (3:28)
03. Miss You Nights (3:55)
04. Little Girl (2:49)
05. I Need You (3:22)
06. I'd Give My Life (3:00)
07. Sorry (4:11)
08. How Glad I Am You Came (3:04)
09. San Pedros Children (4:10)
10. The Wedding Song (3:34)
11. Love It Away (3:15)
12. We're Over (2:24)
Demis (1982)
01. Lament (3:08)
02. We're Shining (3:33)
03. Take Me Sailing (3:24)
04. Song Without End (4:07)
05. Song For The Free (3:05)
06. Gypsy Lady (3:32)
07. Need To Forget (3:46)
08. Race To The End (3:45)
09. Where Are They Now (3:47)
Attitudes (1982)
01. Follow Me (7:27)
02. Pretender (5:05)
03. Planet Earth Is Blue (5:54)
04. Deepest Of All (3:06)
05. Take My Hand (4:27)
06. Flaming Star (4:11)
07. The House Of The Rising Sun (7:59)
Greatest Hits (1983)
01. We Shall Dance (3:31)
02. My Reason (3:57)
03. For Ever And Ever (3:41)
04. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (4:00)
05. My Friend The Wind (3:55)
06. Velvet Mornings (3:40)
07. Lovely Lady Of Arcadia (3:26)
08. Someday Somewhere (3:07)
09. My Only Fascination (3:46)
10. Sing An Ode To Love (4:12)
11. Perdoname (3:01)
12. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:37)
13. Happy To Be An Island In The Sun (3:09)
14. Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour (4:19)
15. Ainsi Soit-il (3:45)
16. Lost In Love (3:26)
Reflection (1984)
01. When A Man Loves A Woman (5:34)
02. Stand By Me (5:05)
03. Love Me Tender (4:15)
04. The Great Pretender (3:42)
05. Stormy Weather (3:08)
06. I Almost Lost My Mind (8:46)
07. Marie Jolie (5:16)
08. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (6:51)
09. As Time Goes By (4:45)
Greater Love (1986)
01. Tropicana Bay (4:06)
02. Summer In Her Eyes (4:16)
03. Quantanamera (3:44)
04. Greater Love (4:23)
05. Follow Me (2:51)
06. Island Of Love (3:44)
07. I Miss You (2:50)
08. Tropicana Bay (4:40)
09. How (5:08)
10. Amis Pour La Vie (3:57)
11. Summerwine (4:25)
12. Another Time (2:44)
13. In Love (3:42)
Glory: The Christmas Album (1987)
01. Kyrieeleis (0:45)
02. Oh Come All Ye Faithfull (4:17)
03. When A Child Is Born (4:40)
04. Il Est Ne Le Devin Enfant (4:48)
05. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (3:40)
06. Little Drummer Boy (5:00)
07. Es Ist Ein Ros? Entsprungen (0:59)
08. Ave Maria (5:13)
09. Silent Night (4:44)
10. What Child Is This? (5:42)
11. Mary?s Boychild (3:50)
12. Gloria In Excelsis Deo (5:17)
13. Oh Come All Ye Faithfull (Reprise) (3:28)
Time (1988)
01. The Moon And I (4:35)
02. Time (4:18)
03. Turning (5:06)
04. Step By Step (4:09)
05. Mamy Blue (4:19)
06. Dance Of Love (4:06)
07. I Won't Give Up (4:01)
08. My Song Of Love (4:23)
09. Loving You (3:47)
10. Let The Bells Ring (3:53)
Voice And Vision (1989)
01. On Ecrit Sur Les Murs (3:38)
02. Amico Sincero (4:09)
03. Qui Plus Que Moi (Chi Piu Di Me) (4:05)
04. Petite Fille (4:11)
05. Wanna Die The Way I Love You (4:39)
06. Young Love (4:42)
07. Viso Di Donna (4:05)
08. Incontrarsi (3:48)
09. Comincerгi Da Te (3:23)
10. Magdalena (4:05)
Ballads (Coletânea 1989)
01. Rain And Tears (3:25)
02. Marie Jolie (4:25)
03. We Shall Dance (4:36)
04. Spring Summer Winter And Fall (4:52)
05. It's Five O'Clock (3:46)
06. Break (3:50)
07. I Want To Live (3:41)
08. Let It Be Me (3:42)
09. My Reason (5:00)
10. Sometimes When We Touch (3:36)
11. If You Remember Me (2:30)
12. Deperado (3:14)
13. I Found You (3:48)
14. I Hear You Know (4:54)
15. I'll Find My Way Home (4:53)
16. End Of The World (3:45)
Favourite Rarities (Coletânea 1990)
01. Bridge Over Troubled Water (5:38)
02. Let It Be Me (3:25)
03. Nature Boy (4:29)
04. Because (4:28)
05. Anytime At All (3:15)
06. I Miss You (3:21)
07. Sing Da De Di (3:11)
08. Where Is Your Love (4:12)
09. Fly Away With Me (3:42)
10. Friends Of A Liftime (4:28)
11. Think It Over (4:00)
12. The One That I Loved (3:44)
13. Smiling Eyes (4:01)
14. Rain And Tears (3:55)
Gold (Coletânea 1990)
01. Rain And Tears (3:26)
02. End Of The World (3:47)
03. I Want To Live (3:44)
04. Marie Jolie (4:03)
05. It's Five O'clock (3:50)
06. Spring Summer Winter And Fall (4:57)
07. Such A Funny Night (3:57)
08. Break (3:55)
09. We Shell Dance (4:33)
10. My Reason (4:30)
11. For Ever And Ever (3:42)
12. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (3:55)
13. Namture Boy (4:26)
14. Bridge Over Troubled Water (5:34)
15. Someday Somewhere (3:06)
16. My Only Fascination (3:45)
17. Sing An To Love (4:11)
18. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:36)
The Greek (Coletânea 1992)
01. Le Gree (3:58)
02. Spleen (3:47)
03. The Beauty Of Your Eyes (4:11)
04. Aspres La Fin Du Monde (4:12)
05. Prier (4:15)
06. Tout Ce Que Je Cherche Est En Toi (3:31)
07. Comme Le Vent D'Hier (4:04)
08. Futureless Forever (3:59)
09. Quand Je T'Aime (3:49)
10. The Moon And I (4:33)
11. Time (4:17)
12. Dance Of Love (4:05)
13. My Song Of Love (4:21)
14. On Ecrit Sur Les Murs (Graffiti) (3:38)
15. Amico Sincero (4:09)
16. Qui Plus Que Moi (4:05)
17. Petite Fille (4:11)
18. Wanna Die The Way I Love You (Drafi Deutscher) (4:39)
19. Young Love (Drafi Deutscher) (4:45)
Insight (1993)
01. Morning Has Broken (6:29)
02. Tous Les Deux Je Vous Aime (5:05)
03. Oxygen (5:28)
04. Too Many Dreams (4:24)
05. Les Mots Qui Font Peur (3:32)
06. Adagio (8:06)
07. Italian Song (2:51)
08. Take Me Home (4:55)
09. Spleen (4:58)
10. Sergueii (3:52)
Serenade (1996)
01. La Donna E` Mobile (3:09)
02. Torna A Surriento (4:29)
03. Barcarolle (5:40)
04. Nabucco (3:48)
05. Una Furtiva Lagrima (4:05)
06. Santa Lucia (3:28)
07. Serenade (4:12)
08. Tristesse (5:28)
09. Bella Notte (3:14)
10. All The Seats Are Occupied (5:53)
Mon île (1997)
01. Mon Lle (4:18)
02. Je Te Donnerai Ma Vie (3:56)
03. Dinata (4:11)
04. Elle Attend (4:34)
05. Amapola (Version Fracaise) (3:40)
06. Les Sables Auriferes (3:44)
07. Iqbal (4:03)
08. Ohe (3:07)
09. Femme Maintenant (2:47)
10. Danse A La Vie (4:23)
11. Dinata (Radio Edit) (3:27)
The Phenomenon 1968-1998 (Box Set 1998)
CD 1.
01. Rain And Tears (3:16)
02. I Want To Live (3:53)
03. Marie Jolie (4:39)
04. It?S Five O'clock (3:31)
05. Spring Summer Winter And Fall (4:56)
06. Such A Funny Night (4:34)
07. We Shall Dance (3:36)
08. No Way Out (3:23)
09. My Reason (4:00)
10. Forever And Ever (3:41)
11. Velvet Mornings (3:40)
12. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (3:57)
13. My Friend The Wind (3:54)
14. Schones Madschen Aus Arcadia (3:25)
15. Someday Somewhere (3:06)
16. My Only Fascination (3:45)
17. Auf Wiederseh'n (3:35)
18. With You (3:24)
19. When Forever Has Gone (3:04)
20. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:37)
21. Perdoname (2:58)
CD 2.
01. Happy To Be On An Island In The Sun (3:12)
02. Kyrila (3:45)
03. Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour (4:19)
04. Life In The City (3:36)
05. Loin Des Yeux, Loin Du Coeur (3:09)
06. Lost In Love (3:23)
07. Race To The End (3:44)
08. Lament (3:11)
09. Follow Me (7:26)
10. Island Of Love (3:45)
11. Summer In Her Eyes (4:17)
12. Ave Maria (5:27)
13. Quand Je T?Aime (3:48)
14. Time (4:18)
15. On Ecrit Sur Les Murs (3:37)
16. Eleni (3:50)
17. La Mer (7:09)
18. Santa Lucia (3:28)
19. Bella Notte (3:13)
CD 3.
01. Fire And Ice (4:36)
02. When I'm Kid (3:19)
03. Le Peintre Des Etoiles (2:30)
04. Sing An Ode To Love (4:12)
05. I'll Be You Friend (4:09)
06. So Dreamy (3:06)
07. Can't Say How Much I Love You (2:34)
08. Far Away (2:48)
09. Never Say Goodbye Again (2:59)
10. Maybe Someday (3:20)
11. Ainsi Soit-Il (3:46)
12. Hot Summernight (3:29)
13. That Once In A Lifetime (3:39)
14. Chantez Enfants Du Monde (5:09)
15. Love It Avay (3:12)
16. The Wedding Song Featuring (3:37)
17. I Need You (3:24)
18. Si J' Etais Roi De La Terre (3:34)
19. Song Without End (4:12)
20. Jay (2:57)
21. Amir Pour La Vie (3:57)
22. Summerwine (3:45)
CD 4.
01. O My Friends You've Been Untrue To Me (7:33)
02. Let It Be Me (3:59)
03. Thousand Years Of Wondering (13:12)
04. Happy To Sing A Song (3:16)
05. Auntie (4:20)
06. Ulysses (11:59)
07. Yellow Paper (3:06)
08. Mara (4:01)
09. A Flower's All You Need (5:18)
10. Mama Tembu's Wedding (2:45)
11. All Is Vanity (2:56)
12. Winter In America (4:14)
13. Je T' Aime Mon Amour (3:47)
14. I Found You (3:51)
15. When A Man Loves Woman (2:45)
Link Pt.1>Pt.2>Pt.3.
Silent Night (2003)
01. Silent Night (4:41)
02. Amazing Grace (2:59)
03. Glory Glory Hallelujah (3:00)
04. Jerusalem Of Gold (2:27)
05. Kyrie Eleison (0:49)
06. Come All Ye Faithful (4:11)
07. When A Child Is Born (4:42)
08. Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant (4:47)
09. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (3:36)
10. Little Drummer Boy (5:03)
11. Es Ist Ein`Rose Entsprungen (0:57)
12. What Child Is This? (5:44)
13. Mary`s Boy Child (3:53)
14. Gloria In Excelsis Deo (5:25)
15. Petit Papa Noel (4:09)
16. Minuit Chretien (4:33)
17. The First Noel (4:32)
Demis (2009)
01. September (I'm On My Way) (2:45)
02. On My Pillow (3:24)
03. Love Is (3:24)
04. What They Say (3:25)
05. Hello, Hello (2:48)
06. Hit Me (3:31)
07. I'll Be Home (3:10)
08. Spoiled Brat (2:58)
09. Help Me (3:11)
10. Who Gives A Fuck (9:17)
Greatest Hits (Coletânea 2010)
CD 1.
01. We Shall Dance (3:36)
02. My Reason (4:00)
03. Forever And Ever (3:41)
04. Goodbye My Love Goodbye (3:57)
05. Rain And Tears (3:16)
06. Someday Somewhere (3:06)
07. My Only Fascination (3:45)
08. From Souvenirs To Souvenirs (2:37)
09. When Forever Has Gone (3:04)
10. Happy To Be On An Island In The Sun (3:13)
11. My Friend The Wind (3:54)
12. Lovely Lady Of Arcadia (3:26)
13. Velvet Mornings (3:40)
14. Perdoname (2:59)
15. Such A Funny Night (4:34)
16. It's Five O'Clock (3:30)
17. I Want To Live (3:53)
18. Marie Jolie (4:39)
19. Spring Summer Winter And Fall (4:56)
20. No Way Out (3:23)
21. With You (3:20)
22. Auf Wiederseh'n (3:33)
CD 2.
01. Kyrila (3:45)
02. Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour (4:21)
03. Life In The City (3:37)
04. Loin Des Yeux, Loin Du Coeur (3:11)
05. Lost In Love (3:25)
06. Race To The End (3:46)
07. Lament (3:13)
08. Follow Me (7:28)
09. Island Of Love (3:47)
10. Summer In Her Eyes (4:19)
11. Ave Maria (5:29)
12. Quand Je T'aime (3:50)
13. Time (4:20)
14. On Ecrit Sur Les Murs (3:39)
15. Eleni (3:52)
16. La Mer (7:11)
17. Santa Lucia (3:30)
18. Bella Notte (3:16)
19. Love Is (3:26)
Link Pt.1 > Pt.2.
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Greek singer Demis Roussos was a prolific recording artist who sang in a number of languages and during the course of his career made at least 293 recordings including 38 albums, 154 singles and EPs, 92 compilations and one DVD.[1]

  • 1Albums
  • 3Singles


For the discography with the band Aphrodite's Child, see Aphrodite's Child#Discography.

Studio albums[edit]

Peak positions
1971On the Greek Side of My Mind
Fire and Ice)
1973Forever and EverEnglish2105*1112
1974My Only FascinationEnglishN/A639
Auf WiedersehnGerman7
1976Happy to Be...English234
Die Nacht und der WeinGerman34
1977Kyrila – Insel der TräumeGerman36
The Demis Roussos MagicEnglish29
Ainsi soit-ilFrench
1978Demis RoussosEnglish
1979UniversumSeveral language versions
1980Man of the WorldEnglish36
1982DemisSeveral language versions
1985Senza tempo[3]English
1986Greater LoveEnglish
1987The Story of Demis RoussosEnglish16
Come All Ye Faithful(Christmas album)Multilingual
1988Le GrecFrench/English
1989Voice and VisionMultilingual
1991Photo Fixe[4]French/English
Morning has BrokenorAdagio)
1995Demis Roussos in HollandMultilingual
1997Mon îleFrench
2000Auf meinen WegenMultilingual
'N/A' means that the chart in its current version was established later and the data from that time are incompatible/unavailable.
* Charted posthumously in 2015 after his death

Live albums[edit]

YearAlbum title
Roussos Live!
Double Live
Live in Brazil

Compilation albums[edit]

YearAlbumPeak positions
1974Greatest Hits[7]N/A3N/A
1975Golden Hits[8]1319
1978Sus grandes éxitos en español
(a.k.a.Demis Roussos canta en español
orDemis Roussos en castellano)[9]
Life & Love
(a.k.a.Life & Love – His 20 Greatest Songs)
1979Grands Succès[10]
1980Insel der Zärtlichkeit – Demis Roussos und seine 20 Welterfolge[11]12
1981Greatest Hits (1971–1980)[12]
1982Souvenirs – Zijn 16 grootste hits(special Netherlands release)[13]8
1990Nature Boy[15] (a.k.a.Favorite Rarities)[16]
1992Seine größten Erfolge[17]20
1993Lost in Love[18]
1995Back to Back(joint with Vicky Leandros)19
1996A la France[19]
1998The Phenomenon 1968–1998[20]
Forever and Ever – 40 Greatest Hits[21]
Hans beste sanger[22]4
De beste sanger[23]2
1999Universal Masters Collection[24]
2001The Very Best of...[25]213
2002Forever and Ever – Definitive Collection17
2009Demis Roussos Top 100[26]41
Songs From an Island in the Sun[27]3
'N/A' means that the chart in its current version was established later and the data from that time are incompatible/unavailable.
* Charted posthumously in 2015

More selected compilations (not present in the table)

  • 1992: The Complete Collection[29]
  • 2010: Demis Collection[30]
  • 2016: Demis Roussos Complete[citation needed]

Extended plays[edit]

YearTitlePeak positions
1972Fire and Ice[31]
1976The Roussos Phenomenon[32]1


The list is incomplete.

YearSinglePeak positionsAlbum
Hot 100
1971'We Shall Dance'9115*294On the Greek Side of My Mind (Fire and Ice)
'Fire and Ice'[37]N/A
1972'No Way Out' (c/w 'End of the Line')[38]Fire and Ice (EP)
'My Reason' (c/w 'When I Am a Kid')21Forever and Ever
1973'Goodbye, My Love, Goodbye'2198*131
'Forever and Ever'
/ 'Velvet Mornings'
'My Friend the Wind'15171
'Schönes Mädchen aus Arcadia' (German)
'Lovely Lady of Arcadia' (English)
My Only Fascination(en)
Auf Wiedersehn(de)
1974'Someday Somewhere'1812My Only Fascination
'My Only Fascination'1111
'Auf Wiedersehn'196Auf Wiedersehn
'With You'18Non-album single
'Manuela'42Auf Wiedersehn
1975'Schön wie Mona Lisa (Wenn ich ein Maler wär')'6Die Nacht und der Wein
'From Souvenirs to Souvenirs'Souvenirs
Die Nacht und der Wein
'Midnight Is the Time I Need You'[39]Souvenirs
'Sing an Ode to Love' (c/w 'Midnight Is the Time I Need You')[40]
'Vagabund der Liebe'22Die Nacht und der Wein
'Happy to Be on an Island in the Sun'5Happy to Be...
1976'Die Bouzouki, die Nacht und der Wein'43Die Nacht und der Wein
'Can't Say How Much I Love You'35Happy to Be...
'Far Away'[41]
'Never Say Goodbye Again'[42]Non-album single
'Komm in den Garten der tausend Melodien' ('Happy to Be on an Island in the Sun')[43]Die Nacht und der Wein
'When Forever Has Gone'2The Demis Roussos Magic
'Maybe Someday'[44]Non-album single
1977'Because' (English)
'Mourir auprès de mon amour' (French)
'Morir al lado de mi amor' (Spanish)
The Demis Roussos Magic(en)
Ainsi soit-il(fr)
Kyrila – Insel der Träume(de)
Kyrila (EP) (en)
'Ainsi soit-il'[45]Ainsi soit-il
1978'Life in the City'[46]Demis Roussos
'That Once in a Lifetime'47
'L.O.V.E. Got a Hold of Me' (12', US)26
'Loin des yeux, loin du cœur'[47]Universum
(French version of the album)
1979'Chantez enfants du monde' (c/w 'Tu n'as pas le droit')[48]
'Longtemps je t'aimerai [The Wedding Song]'[49]Non-album single
1980'Lost in Love'34Man of the World
'I Need You'[50]
'Cancion de boda (The Wedding Song)'[52]Hombre del mundo (Man of the World)
1981'Si j'étais roi de la terre' (c/w 'Mais je chante')[53]Non-album single
'Race to the End' (English)[54]
'La course infinie' (French)[55]
1982'Lament' (English)[56]
'Au nom de l'amitié' (French)[57]
'Follow Me'3227Attitudes
1983'Jay'[58]Non-album single
1984'Love Me Tender'[59]Reflection
1985'Anytime at All'[60]Senza tempo
'Amis pour la vie'Greater Love
'Island of Love'28
1986'Summer in Her Eyes'[61]32
1987'Quand je t'aime'3Le Grec
'Rain and Tears' [Live][62]**31*60The Story of Demis Roussos
'Marie Jolie'[63]**
'It's Five O'Clock'[64]**112*
'What Child Is This'Come All Ye Faithful
'Silent Night'
1988'Prier'[65]46Le Grec
'Le Grec'[66]
'My Song of Love'[68]
1989'Dance of Love' (c/w 'Loving You')[69]
'Mamy Blue'[70]
'On écrit sur les murs' (French)[71]
'Graffiti' (Spanish)[72]
Voice and Vision
'Spleen'[74]Le Grec
1990'Même si (Petite fille)'Voice and Vision
'Poésie'Photo Fixe
1993'Tous les 'je vous aime'Insight
'Morning Has Broken'
1995'Eleni'Demis Roussos in Holland
1997'Dinata'Mon île
2009'Love Is'Demis
'N/A' means that the chart in its current version was established later and the data from that time are incompatible/unavailable.
* Charted posthumously in 2015 after his death
** Remakes of old Aphrodite's Child hits from the double album The Story of Demis Roussos. The singles were released on BR Music. 'Rain and Tears' was recorded live during 'Goud van Oud Live' on April 10, 1987 in Rosmalen.[75] 'Marie Jolie' and 'It's Five O'Clock' were studio recordings.

Collaboration singles[edit]

YearAlbumPeak positionsAlbum
(Vicky Leandros, Demis Roussos,
Sandra & Andres, Enrico Macias,
Hildegard Knef & Alice Babs)
1974'Le tour du monde des amoureux de Peynet'
(Ennio Morricone and Demis Roussos - released in Japan only)[76]
1981'Je t'aime, mon amour'
(Vicky Leandros & Demis Roussos)[77]
41Love Is Alive(Vicky Leandros album)
(Nancy Boyd with special guest Demis Roussos)[78]
44Summerwine(Nancy Boyd album)
Greater Love
'Tropicana Bay'
(Demis Roussos & Nancy Boyd)[79]
Greater Love
1989'Young Love'
(Demis Roussos & Drafi Deutscher)[80]
Voice and Vision
1995'Mon Amour'
(Demis Roussos & Anny Schilder)
Demis Roussos in Holland
High Noon(Anny Schilder album)
'On My Own'
(Rob de Nijs & Demis Roussos)
50Vallen En Opstaan 2(Rob de Nijs album)
(Demis Roussos featuring Hasna)

Danny Rivera Discografia Completa Descargar


  1. ^'Demis Roussos'. Retrieved 13 February 2015.
  2. ^ abc'Demis Roussos discography'. Hung Medien. Retrieved 10 February 2015.
  3. ^'Demis Roussos - Senza Tempo at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  4. ^' - Demis Roussos - Photo Fixe'. Retrieved 2017-11-10.
  5. ^' - Demis Roussos - Immortel'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  6. ^'Demis - Demis'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  7. ^'Demis Roussos - Greatest Hits -'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  8. ^' - Demis Roussos - The Golden Hits'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  9. ^'Demis Roussos - Demis Roussos En Castellano at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  10. ^'Demis Roussos - Grands Succès at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  11. ^' - Demis Roussos - Insel der Zärtlichkeit - Demis Roussos und seine 20 Welterfolge'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  12. ^' - Demis Roussos - Greatest Hits (1971-1980)'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  13. ^' - Demis Roussos - Souvenirs - Zijn 16 grootste hits'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  14. ^'Demis Roussos - Ballads at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  15. ^'Demis Roussos - Nature Boy (CD) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  16. ^'Demis Roussos - Favourite Rarities - Music'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
    'Demis Roussos - Favourite Rarities (Cassette) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  17. ^' - Demis Roussos - Seine grössten Erfolge'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  18. ^' - Demis Roussos - Lost in Love'. Retrieved 2017-11-07.
  19. ^'Demis Roussos - A La France (CD) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  20. ^' - Demis Roussos - The Phenomenon 1968-1998'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  21. ^' - Demis Roussos - Forever And Ever - 40 Greatest Hits'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  22. ^' - Demis Roussos - Hans beste sanger'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  23. ^' - Demis Roussos - De beste sanger'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  24. ^'Universal Masters Collection - Demis Roussos Songs, Reviews, Credits'. AllMusic. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  25. ^' - Demis Roussos - The Very Best Of'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
    'Very Best of Demis Roussos - Demis Roussos Songs, Reviews, Credits'. AllMusic. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  26. ^' - Demis Roussos - Demis Roussos Top 100'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  27. ^' - Demis Roussos - Songs From An Island In The Sun'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
    'Songs From An Island In The Sun - Demis Roussos Songs, Reviews, Credits'. AllMusic. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  28. ^' - Demis Roussos - Collected'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  29. ^'Demis Roussos - The Complete Collection (CD) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  30. ^'Demis Roussos - Demis Collection (CD) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  31. ^'Demis Roussos - Fire And Ice (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  32. ^'Demis Roussos - Excerpts From 'The Roussos Phenomenon' (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  33. ^'Demis Roussos - Kyrila (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-11-08.
  34. ^'Demis Roussos discography'. Hung Medien. Retrieved 10 February 2015.
  35. ^Betts, Graham (2004). Complete UK Hit Singles 1952-2004 (1st ed.). London: Collins. p. 663. ISBN0-00-717931-6.
  36. ^Whitburn, Joel (2003). Top Pop Singles 1955-2002 (1st ed.). Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research Inc. p. 608. ISBN0-89820-155-1.
  37. ^' - Demis Roussos - Fire And Ice'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  38. ^' - Demis Roussos - Fire And Ice'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  39. ^'Demis Roussos - Midnight Is The Time I Need You at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  40. ^' - Demis Roussos - Sing An Ode To Love'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
    'Demis Roussos - Sing An Ode To Love (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
  41. ^' - Demis Roussos - Far Away'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
    'Demis Roussos - Far Away / Before (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
  42. ^' - Demis Roussos - Never Say Goodbye Again'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  43. ^' - Demis Roussos - Komm in den Garten der tausend Melodien'. Retrieved 2017-10-26.
  44. ^' - Demis Roussos - Maybe Someday'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  45. ^' - Demis Roussos - Ainsi soit-il'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  46. ^' - Demis Roussos - Life In The City'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  47. ^' - Démis Roussos - Loin des yeux, loin du cœur'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  48. ^' - Demis Roussos - Chantez enfants du monde'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  49. ^' - Demis Roussos - Longtemps je t'aimerai'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  50. ^' - Demis Roussos - I Need You'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  51. ^' - Demis Roussos - Sorry'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  52. ^' - Demis Roussos - Cancion de boda'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  53. ^' - Demis Roussos - Si j'étais roi de la terre'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  54. ^' - Demis Roussos - Race To The End'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  55. ^' - Demis Roussos - La course infinie'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  56. ^' - Demis Roussos - Lament'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  57. ^' - Demis Roussos - Au nom de l'amitié'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  58. ^' - Demis Roussos - Jay'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  59. ^' - Demis Roussos - Love Me Tender'. Retrieved 2017-10-29.
  60. ^' - Demis Roussos - Anytime At All'. Retrieved 2017-10-31.
  61. ^' - Demis Roussos - Summer In Her Eyes'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  62. ^'Demis Roussos - Rain And Tears (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  63. ^' - Demis Roussos - Marie Jolie'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  64. ^'Demis Roussos - It's Five O'clock (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  65. ^' - Demis Roussos - Prier'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  66. ^' - Demis Roussos - Le Grec'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  67. ^' - Demis Roussos - Time'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  68. ^' - Demis Roussos - My Song Of Love'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  69. ^' - Demis Roussos - Dance Of Love'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  70. ^' - Demis Roussos - Mamy Blue'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  71. ^' - Demis Roussos - On écrit sur les murs'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  72. ^' - Demis Roussos - Graffiti'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  73. ^' - Demis Roussos - Magdalena'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  74. ^' - Demis Roussos - Spleen'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  75. ^'Demis Roussos - Rain And Tears (Vinyl) at Discogs'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  76. ^' - Ennio Morricone and Demis Roussos - Le tour du monde des amoureux de Peynet (Il giro del mondo degli innamorati di Peynet)'. Retrieved 2017-11-09.
  77. ^' - Vicky Leandros & Demis Roussos - Je t'aime mon amour'. Retrieved 2017-10-27.
  78. ^' - Nancy Boyd / Demis Roussos - Summerwine'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  79. ^' - Demis Roussos & Nancy Boyd - Tropicana Bay'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.
  80. ^' - Demis Roussos & Drafi Deutscher - Young Love'. Retrieved 2017-10-28.

External links[edit]

Descargar Discografias Completas

  • Demis Roussos at AllMusic
  • Demis Roussos discography at Discogs
  • Demis Roussos discography at MusicBrainz
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